Thursday, March 21, 2013

Louie Boy

Today has been one of those days when I had a long list of things I wanted to accomplish and now, at sundown, almost none of them has. Yet, it has been a busy and productive day. Go figure!

Anyway, during one of my day's errands, I found myself looking at construction work taking place on our local railroad tracks and remembered that - over the years - I have scribbled (I won't say "written" because that sounds final and everything I've put on paper is always subject to change) a number of poems with a railroad theme. So, here's one I wrote in honor of a friend - a very sweet and generous man who had a way of making every party more fun - who was dying of AIDS. This was back in the days when there really was no treatment. His name was Joey, and it pains me still that he is gone. Once again...this is for you, Joey!

Louie Boy

Once I saw a train pass by
With the words Louie Boy
Splashed in yellow upon
Its red side

Yellow and red are my
Colors for you
Yellow for sunshine
Red for the passion of a
Courage smoldering deep

Trains and dreams glide on
Tracks connected to obscure
One of life’s fragments
Set before us
For a nicer view

We observe then forget
For waking dreams are still
Just dreams 
With no beginnings
And so no ends

Where is the notice for
Small moments...
Unless it’s splashed
With colors screaming

Here is a tribute to a friend
Be he fragment or a boxcar on
Clattering wheels
Gliding the connections
Between somewhere and elsewhere

He’ll be remembered for the yellow
Of the sun that lights
The red of embers
Glowing for Louie
Louie Boy

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Show Me

One of my "works in progress." Each time I look at what I have written, I find something to change. The work never ends, really! TC

Show Me

Show me my heart
And all its feelings
Show me my blood
As it runs its quicksilver
Path to you

Show me my soul
In all its colors
That deepen and glow
With knowledge of you

Look at me
A supplicant - member of
An ancient order - awash
In this symphony
That is you in all
Your supple grace

Transported on a
Billowing wave
That roars its name
And sighs its purpose
With each rise
And fall

For it is love that
Rests before you
Love Love and Love